Die MSW-Weihnachtsspendenaktion


created by InfinitelyFloating on 10/12/2024 at 16:24 UTC

2 upvotes, 2 top-level comments (showing 2)


Comment by Unique-Public-8594 at 10/12/2024 at 16:46 UTC*

2 upvotes, 0 direct replies

I’m not getting a translate option. In case helpful to others, here’s the English version. Crosspost from r/mauerstrassenwetten (Mauerstrasse bets, a stocks and investing sub):

The MSW Christmas Fundraiser Hello,

It's Advent - the time of giving.

So that you can give money to institutions other than issuers and crushers for a change, we are hereby announcing our annual Christmas fundraising campaign.

You know how it goes:

Donate money or material assets for a good cause and - if you want your donation to be tracked - create a post with the flair "Doing Good" by January 1st, 2025 at the latest.

Like every year, there are donation milestones, which will be published during December.

This year we have something very special for you:

Reddit will double your donations!

What does that mean exactly?

Reddit matches every donation up to a total of €20,000.

The twist here, however, is that ONE fixed donation goal had to be chosen.

For this purpose, we created a survey and let you users decide.

The winner of this survey is the German Depression Aid.

Click here to go to the donation page

Only donations made to depression relief via betterplace will be doubled by Reddit.

Lots of love to all donors already.


The mods

Comment by babuloseo at 10/12/2024 at 20:11 UTC

1 upvotes, 0 direct replies

I have always liked German internet there communities were very interesting and appealing to kids and young people, I hope you guys get something :)