created by Basic_Load4608 on 21/01/2025 at 02:15 UTC*
6 upvotes, 1 top-level comments (showing 1)
I really don’t know the best way to describe the experience, but every night when I close my eyes to sleep, it feels like I can see almost hallucinations, it varies from spinning to a shrinking or growing sensation. Then I could be flying or imagining things that seem very real and that I can see, my whole body feels warped and distorted and I feel like I’m losing touch with the real world and falling into something else. the only way I can relate it to something else is watching a trippy video while really high, it seems that music makes this feeling more potent, and I can stay like this for hours without falling asleep, I used to be afraid of the feeling but I’ve come to love the experience every night.
Not a complaint just wondering if anyone else gets it and what it could be!
Comment by Viking-Halfdan at 21/01/2025 at 05:00 UTC
2 upvotes, 0 direct replies
Maybe your equilibrium is off…maybe an ear infection or something is off. Vertigo is another one. Something worth checking with the doctor on I think…could end up in an accident. Maybe I’m way off and you’ve found a way to remote view or have out of body experiences. If you’re not concerned then I guess enjoy? lol