Game companies saying their new video game has "Revolutionary Features " drive me crazy.

created by How_Hungry_97 on 20/01/2025 at 23:04 UTC

7 upvotes, 8 top-level comments (showing 8)

I understand that a videogame can actually have revolutionary features. Most of the time, the CEOs of bigger AAA companies saying their game has Revolutionary Features are blatantly lying, or it takes a whole new update to implement them.

Cyberpunk 2077 and Grand Theft Auto Online: Expanded and Enhanced

Are the worst offenders for this kind of Glazing.

I think saying your game having "Revolutionary Features." is a manipulation tactic that can hype up your game pre release.

Who else has this mindset when watching game reveals?


Comment by FrabascoSauce at 20/01/2025 at 23:14 UTC

5 upvotes, 1 direct replies

"We added an AI system to it. So we have fish that move out of the way when you get close to them"

-Next Gen technology spiel for call of duty around 2012 or so

Comment by OakNogg at 20/01/2025 at 23:34 UTC

3 upvotes, 1 direct replies

"Revolutionary features" but I don't even have the option to switch to 3rd person and see my character I spent 500hrs making

Comment by erikaironer11 at 20/01/2025 at 23:16 UTC*

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Cyberpunk was really bad with that. People where expecting the moon with the game, so when it was essentially a regular, though well made, action adventure RPG people saw as a major disappointment. That and how lack luster it was on launch before all the crazy updates

Comment by Then_now_maybe at 21/01/2025 at 00:17 UTC

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Game devs and the graphics chip designers are working together to move at unit/rig generated gaming.

Companies want to be able to ship the key characters, mechanics, parameters and critical parts of the story line but allow AI generation to fill in the gaps. Lets you swap aesthetic genre, level design, trailer stories around player chosen mechanics to specialize in. That sort of suff.

So anytime they do 1 thing that adds to this cross industry strategy they will go ham and demand recognition.

Now, be aware there are dozens of systems in play like this for cross industry dependencies.

It means screaming that youve had critical breakthroughs and that your product is justified is now just a requirement of being a project manager, product manager, delivery manager, etc. Huzzah, politics and micro changes that are irrelevant and small to the consumer dominating marketing. Well, at least that was my experience in digital product management.

Comment by SunderedValley at 21/01/2025 at 00:31 UTC

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Crysis broke everyone's brains and we're still suffering the comedown blues.

Comment by PracticalPlane77 at 21/01/2025 at 01:29 UTC

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I totally get where you’re coming from. That term "revolutionary" does get tossed around way too easily. I mean, it was really cool when VR became a thing because it felt like something genuinely new, but sometimes the ‘revolutionary’ label just ends up being better graphics or a new gun animation. Not exactly changing the world, right?

I remember when No Man’s Sky came out, everyone was all "It’s going to revolutionize gaming!" because of its procedural universe. On launch, it was more like a buggy space sandbox with fewer features than expected. It's kind of funny how it’s doing pretty well nowadays with all the updates and stuff, but man, those launches with big words can be a killer.

I try to stay skeptical when companies hype up a feature as revolutionary—I look for gameplay videos and hear about the customer experiences instead. It’s also great to find gems from smaller devs who, without all the flashy PR, can actually offer something fresh.

Comment by Icecl at 21/01/2025 at 05:09 UTC

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Feels like it's more because they have to appeal for some reason to a certain type of players are obsessed with literally every new entry of a title having to innovate them reinvent the wheel every time it can't just be another cool entry

Comment by Caffeinated_Hangover at 20/01/2025 at 23:40 UTC

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I'll believe a game has revolutionary features when it lets you topple governments for an utopian cause and slowly become the same dictator you overthrew.