Help! I recently graduated college and don’t know what I’m doing.

created by Honest-Brush2545 on 20/01/2025 at 23:03 UTC

5 upvotes, 5 top-level comments (showing 5)

I just graduated with my undergrad in finance and my MBA in management. I played sports in college and that was the main reason I actually went to school. I didn’t know what I wanted to study so I defaulted to business. I am currently working as commercial insurance underwriter, which has been a pretty good job. I get paid decent with good benefits. I like my job but it can be boring. I also work 8-5 without much flexibility.

I think I’ll be happier with a more active job with better hours. I just don’t know what that is or if it even exists. I also understand the grass isn’t always greener.

Any thoughts?


Comment by Alternative-Muscle80 at 20/01/2025 at 23:57 UTC

3 upvotes, 0 direct replies

There is an old wise saying:

”Do a job you love and you will never work another day in your life”

Now the hard part, what do you love doing that will afford you a living….

There is little point to earning big money to spend all your working life miserable, so don’t focus solely on the money but focus on being happy but also being able to service your needs at the same time…

Its a tough one, but worth thinking about, good luck 👍

Comment by AweMiley at 20/01/2025 at 23:10 UTC

2 upvotes, 1 direct replies

Well, which job would you like to have? Personally I'd say that you should follow your dreams (even if it sounds a bit corny). Obviously after years of working, you can lose some of your passion, but after seeing impact that you're making it'll be easier to push yourself forward!

Comment by AgentElman at 20/01/2025 at 23:11 UTC

2 upvotes, 0 direct replies

There are tons of online surveys to figure out what sort of job you would like.

Comment by WheelOfTime7 at 21/01/2025 at 02:40 UTC

2 upvotes, 0 direct replies

It’s not worth it to do something you have no passion for. You’ll find it’s extremely draining. I went back to school because of this same reason and I’m glad I didn’t just stick with the original plan.

Comment by BookkeeperChemical40 at 21/01/2025 at 09:39 UTC

1 upvotes, 0 direct replies

Ask yourself what you're passionate about and what skills you have. I graduated as a Computer Engineer, but I wasn’t really passionate about it since I wanted a career related to the arts. I struggled to land a job at first because I was looking for flexible hours as a graphic designer. I kind of gave up and applied for a corporate job with a fixed schedule, but I was rejected.

After persevering, I applied again for a full-time remote position. And guess what? My schedule is flexible, so I can work anytime, anywhere. My job is also closely related to what I'm passionate about because I create graphics and edit videos.