Here goes nothing...

created by Cycoviking69 on 20/01/2025 at 06:02 UTC

163 upvotes, 57 top-level comments (showing 25)

As someone in their mid 50s who is trying to get into Reddit and do more than just scrolling, it was suggested that I try coming here. I hope that everyone reading this has a great day and doesn't think it TOO goofy that a GenX-er is trying new stuff.


Comment by The_Pharoah at 20/01/2025 at 06:07 UTC

61 upvotes, 2 direct replies

mate I'm a Gen-X'er (nearing 50). Absolutely love Reddit. So many topics and discussions ongoing. I always try to give a balanced view and help people when I post. I don't always get it right but as much as possible I try to say if I'm wrong.

So come on in, the waters warm! :P

Comment by bob_rien4683 at 20/01/2025 at 06:13 UTC

28 upvotes, 1 direct replies

I had a great day, finished the final stitch of a 158400 stitch project, took exactly 2 years!

Comment by Pearlmilktea__ at 20/01/2025 at 06:08 UTC

13 upvotes, 1 direct replies

Don't worry about being a GenX-er; you'll find people of all ages here, and your perspective will be valuable. A little tip: engaging in comments and joining subreddits about things you enjoy is the best way to feel at home.

Comment by pro_ajumma at 20/01/2025 at 06:27 UTC

9 upvotes, 0 direct replies

Ha, mid-50's is not old. I am there too, and on Reddit probably too often. There is a whole Gen X subreddit, r/GenX . Learning new things keeps you young. If you have a hobby there is probably a subreddit for it.

Comment by PoliteCanadian2 at 20/01/2025 at 06:40 UTC

9 upvotes, 1 direct replies

57M I spend waaaaay too much time on here.

Comment by Noone1959 at 20/01/2025 at 06:34 UTC

5 upvotes, 1 direct replies

Hi there, 65f (boomer) here. Welcome, and bravo for trying new stuff!

Comment by heebath at 20/01/2025 at 06:49 UTC

5 upvotes, 1 direct replies

Find the niche subs for your most passionate hobby and interests. Small but HQ info and conversations there. Really into 70-80's era arial photography of midwest farmland? I bet there's a subreddit with people arguing about it right now...and they are waiting for you.

Comment by YellowRainLine at 20/01/2025 at 06:26 UTC

4 upvotes, 0 direct replies

I'm in my early 30's. Welcome to reddit. I struggle with trying new things, so congrats on that accomplishment in-and-of itself. Still trying to figure out reddit myself, and I've been using it a couple years now. I hope you enjoy your new experience.

Comment by Advanced-Power991 at 20/01/2025 at 06:32 UTC

4 upvotes, 0 direct replies

hello, while I take the label Xennial as opposed to Gen X, you are not actually alone here, there is a r/genx subreddit on here. I find it rather depressing and stifling so I stay out of it. what are you interested in? the bar at the top of the screem works kind of like the search bar on a search engine, just click the x and type whatever interest you have and it will direct you to subreddits on or near the topic, just a heads up some subs are increadibly insular and some are toxic to any outside views, being banned for participating in other subreddits can and does happen. also some subs have age and karma requirements to cut down on bots and spammers. other than that, for the most part Reddit is a pretty open and welcoming place, just try to limit the politics in the non-political subs, at this point burn out is setting in and lots of subs are cracking down on tjhe topic

Comment by punk-pastel at 20/01/2025 at 06:41 UTC

4 upvotes, 1 direct replies

One of us! One of us!

Comment by Starfoxmarioidiot at 20/01/2025 at 06:32 UTC

3 upvotes, 0 direct replies

Oh, dawg. The conversational age gap is more narrow than ever. My last gathering was comprised of people from 21-65. As a 35 year old, I only have Instagram so my 52 year old friend can talk to me. There’s nothing goofy about what you’re up to. Welcome to the party.

Comment by Loose-Brother4718 at 20/01/2025 at 07:05 UTC

3 upvotes, 0 direct replies

Another GenXer here. I intentionally do zero social media outside of Reddit and I just started Reddit a few months ago.I’ve learned so much on here already. Have fun!

Comment by Felinacat at 20/01/2025 at 07:09 UTC

3 upvotes, 0 direct replies

Gen X here too. I was nervous about jumping into Reddit too but it’s been fun. I’ve learned tons of interesting stuff and it’s a good way to connect with people with similar interests. I’ve been pleasantly surprised by how many Gen X’ers there are on here!

Comment by Wolpalope at 20/01/2025 at 07:36 UTC

3 upvotes, 0 direct replies

I’m also early 30’s and finally doing more than just reading posts. It’s so overwhelming to start & navigate, but comforting to know that feeling is valid. Glad to see so much support in this community!

And welcome OP, wishing you a lovely evening!

Comment by erg-ephiphany at 20/01/2025 at 06:21 UTC

4 upvotes, 0 direct replies

I (24F) value the range of individuals that engage in Reddit ! There are so many people who have questions that YOU have the answer to. Whether that’s the best restaurants in your area, or celebrating someone for accomplishing something new! I personally like crafting threads to help celebrate the small things. Just be careful with some threads and their very specific rules, the bots will ex-nay some posts automatically. I have fallen victim many times to the bots.

Good luck, have fun, I hope you get what you’re hoping for out of this app!

Comment by FroggiJoy87 at 20/01/2025 at 06:25 UTC

2 upvotes, 0 direct replies

Howdy new friend! Glad you've found us here on the friendly side of Reddit 😊 You're my big sisters' age so I know just how weird you guys can be! Lol 🤪💚 Hope you have a great day too!

Comment by Bird-Toast at 20/01/2025 at 06:34 UTC

2 upvotes, 0 direct replies

Hey welcome!! How lovely it is to have a new person around to give their wisdom and two cents on things!

Wonderful, wonderful I say! It's more a joy to have people of all ages here, it gives for interesting insights because of the generational gap!

Many good wishes to you!

Comment by MotorTough at 20/01/2025 at 06:43 UTC

2 upvotes, 0 direct replies

I'm also one of those people who usually keep scrolling. I started engaging more with the platform through comments. Hope you have a great day as well!

Comment by fruityiam333 at 20/01/2025 at 06:44 UTC

2 upvotes, 0 direct replies

I'm 54 and doing the same thing 😊

Comment by A_loud_Umlaut at 20/01/2025 at 06:51 UTC

2 upvotes, 0 direct replies

Amigo, Im a 26yr old dude and I love casual subreddits and subreddit -based discord groups like this one. Especially due to the variety of people who tend to frequent these places.

Over at Ask Europe the discord server is similar to this subreddit: just general questions about the silly and the serious elements of life. There, there's a few people of your age, and one of those hosted a Portuguese friend and me for Mardi Gras in New Orleans last February. Bloody amazing!

So yeah don't feel "too old" to join a subreddit, its only good to have a mixed group of people!

Comment by Spyderbeast at 20/01/2025 at 06:52 UTC

2 upvotes, 0 direct replies

Welcome, I am even older. It's fun to hang out, and I still learn things

Comment by TheSportsWatcher at 20/01/2025 at 06:57 UTC

2 upvotes, 0 direct replies

I'm a Gen Xer on my way to 50 and relatively new here too. It's not weird to try new things, or to want some form of community. I like this forum because I find I'm learning about other people's opinions, which is always a good thing! Welcome. 😊

Comment by BJntheRV at 20/01/2025 at 07:04 UTC

2 upvotes, 0 direct replies

Hey I'm 50 and reddit is the only "social media" I use anymore. What kind of interests do you have? There's subs for everything, I'm sure we can all help suggest some subs you'd love.

Comment by toad__warrior at 20/01/2025 at 07:13 UTC

2 upvotes, 0 direct replies

62 yo here and I really enjoy reddit. I use it to keep tabs on hobbies, special interests and just burning time.

I think I have been on reddit in one form or another for 10 years

Comment by WAHpoleon_BoWAHparte at 20/01/2025 at 07:41 UTC

2 upvotes, 0 direct replies

It's nice to meet you! I hope you have a good time here!