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View submission: Just fell over in public
Gonna share a law or principle (whatever you want to call it)
"The opinion of another person regarding me does not matter unless they are involved with me in any way, shape, or form"
If my friends see me fell over, they'd laugh and kick me to death, then and only then will they help me up and maybe pick up some of my stuff.
If I fell in front of my crush I either say something cheesy and make her laugh (she knows I have a crush on her (probably) and she is that bright person i want to hang out with) or I just jump of a cliff out if embarassment.
If a driver honks loud at me after I trip over and hurt my leg. I will act like im actually hurt asf to make their concience tingle a bit. If they dont have a concience I'd just take my sweet time.
If the traffic light judges me, I'd probably not pay my taxes
There's nothing here!