created by Bookkeeper-Full on 02/12/2024 at 05:47 UTC
0 upvotes, 1 top-level comments (showing 1)
Today I lost my job. I also live somewhere that will soon experience political and social upheaval. I find myself overwhelmed with fear for the future and a desire to worry/ruminate, projecting possible outcomes and "planning" for them (although it is all hypothetical so probably not that useful).
To those who live in tumultuous life conditions: how do you use Buddhism to understand and manage your responses, and stay in a reasonably wholesome place?
Comment by amoranic at 02/12/2024 at 10:11 UTC
1 upvotes, 0 direct replies
You chant wholeheartedly to increase your faith. With strong faith you can achieve the unbelievable.
At the moment it may seem like the situation is too bad and you can't see a way out. But there is always a way out , it's just that our perception of reality is limited. Chant wholeheartedly for wisdom and faith. Armed with these two no problem will be too hard for you to handle.