New Player Questions + Info Thread

created by Lootman on 27/09/2018 at 22:02 UTC*

1281 upvotes, 241 top-level comments (showing 25)

Direct your "How do I do X?" and "Any tips?" questions here, or leave resources for players to read.

Weapon modifier bonuses

Enemy scaling

Weapon scaling

Cooking recipes

Horse guide

Map of in game objects

Lynel map

Dragon Guide


Comment by [deleted] at 28/09/2018 at 16:40 UTC

154 upvotes, 1 direct replies


Comment by [deleted] at 08/12/2018 at 04:35 UTC

143 upvotes, 1 direct replies

For new people. When you're screwing around finding side quests, put your shiekah sensor on a picture of a treasure chest. You'll find so much more than you normally would and you're fucking around anyway, why not get some rupees and special arrows.

Edit: I learned this here a few days ago, someone mentioned it, and its game changing lol.

Comment by yepperoni-pepperoni at 15/10/2018 at 18:27 UTC*

78 upvotes, 6 direct replies

I've played around 70 hours of the game now, and I feel like I still really suck at combat (I just run away or fast travel out when things get tough). Sorry if this is a really dumb question, but how do you do that thing where you dodge an attack and then time slows down and you can hit the enemy a bunch of times? Is this shield parrying, or is that something different?

Also, is there any more reliable way to get arrows than buying them?

Edit: I now massacre Lynels on the daily thanks to you guys. Thanks everyone!!

Comment by raistlinsama at 05/01/2019 at 20:59 UTC

66 upvotes, 2 direct replies

Got my Switch at the beginning of November, and I've been playing BOTW since.

It's my first Zelda game, since I never had a Nintendo system (Playstation, Sega Master System, PC, but no Nintendo, silly me).

This open world is fraking amazing, most of the time I start playing telling myself "I'll go there and finish that quest". Five minutes later I go "just to take a peek over that hill". Four hours later I'm on the opposite side of Hyrule desperately trying to stay alive and having the time of my life.


I just started peeking around here, and it's been both fun and useful. Thanks everyone for their contributes!

Comment by Gadetron at 05/10/2018 at 06:51 UTC

67 upvotes, 1 direct replies

Is there a reason that none of the people go and visit the spirits of their lost ones on the Divine Beast? It's no longer a threat, and judging by the fact that daruk was able to communicate with another Goron, makes me wonder why no one else goes and talks to them.

Comment by [deleted] at 29/09/2018 at 18:36 UTC

46 upvotes, 2 direct replies

Tips for new people: vah naboris is the hardest divine beast (as far as I know) and for the boss fight use shields and shortswords and attack whenever it gets near

Comment by MurderSteve at 25/12/2018 at 02:18 UTC

43 upvotes, 3 direct replies

Don't do Gerudo first. Just don't

Comment by SniperFrogDX at 10/12/2018 at 15:28 UTC

41 upvotes, 5 direct replies

The weapon durability mechanic is ruining the game for me. Any tips on making weapo s last longer?

Comment by [deleted] at 30/10/2018 at 21:24 UTC

39 upvotes, 4 direct replies

Does anyone have any tips or hints for finding shrines when there aren't many left? I don't have a lot of them left, and it's getting really hard to find any, but I also don't want to outright just look up where they are.

Comment by ooOJuicyOoo at 11/12/2018 at 11:01 UTC

34 upvotes, 2 direct replies

I came across this guy on horseback, and every time I get near him all he says is "ugh... seriously?" then proceeds to ride away from me very fast.

If I chase him down he'll repeat that one line and keep running away or change directions, but I cant interact with him no matter what I try.

Couldn't find anything on google search. Anyone know what's up with this?

Comment by Sternlock at 04/12/2018 at 08:18 UTC

34 upvotes, 0 direct replies

How many hearts do I need to pull out the Master Sword?

Comment by [deleted] at 10/10/2018 at 02:24 UTC

29 upvotes, 2 direct replies

Okay, so out in the wild I keep hearing this "yoo hoo!" sound and all this time I've thought it meant a Korok was near by - am I right in thinking this? Or is it just an ambient sound?

Comment by txgb324 at 28/09/2018 at 06:24 UTC

110 upvotes, 4 direct replies

First, buy the DLC at the start.

If BotW was a 10 chapter book, the DLC would add chapters 5½, 9½, and full color illustrations throughout. The original version was great, but the addition of extra quests and story, plus quality of life improvements and unique gear, only adds to it.
Could you go back, after having finished the book, and read those extra chapters? Sure. But it flows much better if you read them in order. Buy it at the start, play it as it becomes available.

Second, follow the breadcrumbs the story leaves, at least at the beginning.

When you finish the Plateau, the Old Man will give you some advice on where to head next, and even suggest a path to get there. I’d *strongly* suggest following his directions. The path he recommends has lots of NPCs who explain a number of the games mechanics.
Basically, the Great Plateau is the only *mandatory* part of the tutorial, but not necessarily the end of it. By listening to the NPCs and learning in-game, you won’t have to spoil stuff by looking it up online.

Finally, take your time!

Once you’re past the point of simple “go here, then go there” main quests, you’ll get two world-spanning main quests - they represent the bulk of the game. But they’re not meant to be done in one sitting, or even just straight through. They’re what you do along the way as you explore.

Leave this subreddit. Don’t search for guides, or checklists, or optimal strategies. Just play the game blind. You only get one first play through, so don’t deprive yourself of the adventure of discovery.

Comment by secbb6 at 18/01/2019 at 01:17 UTC

30 upvotes, 5 direct replies

Is it normal for this game to feel genuinely difficult? Like I just got to the Zora region after talking to impa for the second time and I have been getting my ass kicked regularly and I can’t even begin to describe how the fight for shock arrows went. Please help, I’m thoroughly enjoying the game but I just have a feeling that I’m missing something or am I just bad?

Comment by Silverelfz at 12/01/2019 at 16:43 UTC

27 upvotes, 1 direct replies

So when you clear a camp, but don't pick up all the dropped weapons.. you go back later and they are stacked nicely by the log etc...

WHO does this mysterious cleanup????

Comment by riskykreme at 27/12/2018 at 00:35 UTC

24 upvotes, 5 direct replies

So I'm a notorious rager. I bought this game to do some peaceful exploring, fight a few harder monsters maybe die once or twice to them, and to experience the lovely legend of Zelda story. Well I hit my first divine beast boss fight and I'm losing interest in the game. I cant stand stuff like this, I just wanna skip and get to the story again, I dont care about the satisfaction of killing a boss, I'd rather not shoot my blood pressure through the roof from stress. Anyone have any advice? I want to love this game but it's so difficult. There's a reason I never bought dark souls.

Comment by ZLegacy at 18/01/2019 at 12:42 UTC

24 upvotes, 3 direct replies

I found out about a week ago I can trade 10 luminous stones to a zora for a diamond, so I've been trying to farm them. Any good spots to find them quickly and repeatedly?

Comment by sdwoodchuck at 05/01/2019 at 02:42 UTC

21 upvotes, 1 direct replies

Just got my Switch last week, and picked the game up two days ago. I’m absolutely hooked. Probably the best exploration gameplay I’ve experienced outside of maybe EVE Online (hard to compare; they’re *vastly* different experiences). Glad to see there’s a thriving community still, despite its bookcase obsession, and I’m sure I’ll make good use of this thread.

Comment by ajn789 at 06/10/2018 at 19:55 UTC

21 upvotes, 1 direct replies

So I haven't gotten very far in this game. Just got to the Zora domain and was thinking of getting the DLC at some point. Would it be better for me to just get the DLC now and restart the game? Not sure if I will want to play it through twice anytime soon.

Comment by HylianAngel at 28/09/2018 at 00:34 UTC

18 upvotes, 1 direct replies

Here's a slightly more detailed Lynel map.

Comment by pleasebequietpls at 31/01/2019 at 21:26 UTC

17 upvotes, 2 direct replies

This game is insane. I have stayed off any tips or any subs for the majority of my play time and it has been an insane adventure. I am 6 months in jumping in and out and feel like I haven't even scratched the surface. In fact I only JUST upgraded my Sheikah Late today and unlocked the whole map last week.

I have never felt a better sense of adventure in a game since I played Ocarina and Majoras as a kid.

I got nothing to ask but I just wanted to share this haha :)

edit: actually. why do I bother with elemental elixers when I have all the clothing that can take me into those conditions? what point is there to carry a fire elixer if I have fireproof armour?

Comment by Merich at 14/02/2019 at 20:24 UTC*

18 upvotes, 2 direct replies

Pretty new to the Switch and just got BotW on Tuesday. Does buying the ~~season~~ expansion pass give you all past and future DLC?

EDIT: Google says that it does.

EDIT 2: Bought the DLC last night.

EDIT 3: I should probably stop catching random horses and scaling random mountains so I can finally reach Kakariko Village. I just love the immersive feeling of the massive map.

Comment by 24111 at 02/10/2018 at 06:03 UTC

14 upvotes, 1 direct replies

You should add this to the links as well:

Dragon guide:[1][2]



Comment by [deleted] at 02/10/2018 at 20:53 UTC

16 upvotes, 0 direct replies

I am very grateful for this thread, this game is pretty overwhelming both in size and mechanics.

I'm also happy to see I'm not the only one struggling lol

Comment by pikachewie at 28/12/2018 at 03:28 UTC

12 upvotes, 2 direct replies

Started this game 4 days ago after having waited for years to get a Switch! So immensely excited about this game!

I had heard somewhere that Ancient Arrows one-shot Lynels but nobody told me it also deletes all their weapons and loot. I'm sad!