1 upvotes, 1 direct replies (showing 1)
View submission: What was this object
I mean you look it up if you *don't* already know it's a rocket - to see if it is a rocket. I googled "Rocket launch schedule" and this was one of the first matches that I got. If you're not new to this sub then you know that most of the sightings are rockets. That's why it should be the first think you think of when you see something like this in the sky. Then it's much easier to indentify it by looking it up on google instead of waiting for people to comment.
Comment by [deleted] at 03/07/2024 at 13:59 UTC
1 upvotes, 1 direct replies
I'm sorry, I'm really confused by your comment. Why should "rocket launch schedule" be the first thing someone thinks of/searches if they're "new to this sub" and "don't already know it's a rocket"? Isn't that something someone would search if they already know it's a rocket and/or are not new to this sub?
Anyways, it's astronomy. We should be used to answering "woah, what's that!?" types of questions that non-astronomy people ask. It's part of the thing and outreach. That being said, I know there are the stuck astronomer-types with their nose so far up their own ass who look down upon and are disgusted by anyone who can't state the difference between a quasar and a pulsar at the drop of a hat.