48 upvotes, 2 direct replies (showing 2)
View submission: Does Slimming World make sense?
Exactly, and for most people, it'll work, because their problem is they eat a huge takeaway for dinner or an entire pack of biscuits for a snack, so instead they're eating 'free' low fat meat, fruit and veg until they're full, and still dropping a tonne of calories.
However, if your problem isn't the calories you eat, but a lack of activity and exercise, giving you 'free reign' to eat as much fruit/veg/meat you like can actually make you put on weight.
My mum tried to put me on that when I was a teenager. Instead of having a piece of toast if I was hungry at night, I'd make a huge salad with an entire pack of sandwich meat and twice as many calories as a slice of toast, because it was 'free food'. Instead of one banana, I'd eat six, because it was 'free'.
Comment by Gnome_Father at 27/01/2025 at 07:21 UTC
7 upvotes, 3 direct replies
You don't need to be active at all to lose weight. Calorie burn from exercise is pretty minimal unless you're running marathons or swimming literally miles every day. For instance, a normal power lifting day burns like a mars bar in calories.
Exercise just helps you retain muscle whole dieting. If you don't eclxercise as you lose weight, you just end up skinny fat.
Comment by carolomnipresence at 27/01/2025 at 06:06 UTC
2 upvotes, 0 direct replies
This is why SW make it clear that physical activity is an integral part of the plan, and has progressive awards for this.