Comment by Georgy_K_Zhukov on 03/04/2020 at 18:37 UTC

7 upvotes, 2 direct replies (showing 2)

View submission: BETA: Weekly Round-Up and Newsletter | 2020-04-03

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So I would note we have no idea who you are, unless you reply here to note you got it!

The only thing on our end is a little button which they decided to title "Share With Members". We can compose a brief message (350 characters IIRC?) to accompany it. Hit send and then... off into the ether it goes. I literally don't even know if it is working without checking with the Admin who actually has access to the logs (and the past few weeks it did, in fact, stall out before even sending).

Insofar as there are privacy issues in that regards, this doesn't in any way give us an actual list of subscribers.

I'd also note that this is the second round of testing for this feature. The first round was done with a small number of subreddits with less than... 20k(?) subscribers I think? We are the only subreddit in this second round to test with a larger subscriber base (bit over a million). I have no sense of what the future even holds for the feature, and our feedback, if it isn't positive, may end up killing it for all I know, since I would think that a content *creation* sub like this is the best candidate, and if it don't work here it won't work anywhere, but in any case, I would sincerely hope that if it were rolled out more extensively, it wouldn't work for certain subs anyways. We already expect not everyone to like this... but I think if porn subs starting doing weekly newsletters... well, probably not a good idea.


Comment by fuckiforgotmyaccount at 03/04/2020 at 18:41 UTC

9 upvotes, 1 direct replies

Knowing that mods have no way to access subscriber lists is plenty enough to put my mind at ease. Still, I would hope that this newsletter takes an opt-in form. I also wonder if blocking the mod-messages account would mean I can’t get newsletters from any subreddit. Anyways, I’ll fill out the survey when I get the chance. Thanks for the hard work.

Comment by so_contemporary at 04/04/2020 at 08:48 UTC

2 upvotes, 0 direct replies

Personally, for me it's not so much about the mods knowing who I am - I would just rather not get a message on a weekly basis. I don't subscribe to any Email Newsletters for this exact reason and I don’t want anything like that in my reddit inbox either. Definitely make it opt-in.