Comment by Georgy_K_Zhukov on 03/04/2020 at 18:27 UTC

9 upvotes, 2 direct replies (showing 2)

View submission: BETA: Weekly Round-Up and Newsletter | 2020-04-03

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Thanks for the feedback, I hope you will take a moment to also leave it in the survey, as that is where we can get a more Macro view of things.

The main thing I will note though is that it is *great* you check the stickies, the the simple fact is most users don't. It is conventional wisdom of the site, generally, that sticking something ensures it gets ignored by non-regulars.

The core group that we're trying to find a way to target is the larger, more casual readership who are going to check out a thread which might hit their frontpage, but aren't waiting every Sunday morning for /u/Gankom to fill up the Digest.

In any trending thread which *hasn't* been answered yet, we are guaranteed dozens of "Where are the comments?" or "Where is the answer?" because, due to how content creation works here, it is way too easy to end up at a thread *too* early. I wouldn't be surprised if we have a fairly high rate of regulars who indicate they are likely going to opt-out of this as it doesn't feel all that necessary to their browsing habits, but in the end, they are less the group we are trying to reach than the more casual browser who might only check in here once a week anything when a question hits their front page, and is interested in the content *if* it is available, but isn't interested in hunting for it preemptively.

In any case, after several aborted attempts, it looks like the mailer is *finally* working properly, so I'm hoping to have a ton of survey data to sift through over the next week and we'll get a better sense of whether this is a) actually achieving that goal and b) worth continuing with in any case.

Anyways, thanks for your thoughts again, and please, do leave them in the survey. If you do just the first page it takes maybe 20 seconds.


Comment by errf at 03/04/2020 at 23:35 UTC

13 upvotes, 3 direct replies

Looking at the comments on this post, it is very clear how the majority of the users feel about this. Yet you continue to push back on the overwhelming majority of users who dislike this feature. Perhaps rather than disingenuously claiming to be "open to feedback," and then subtly criticizing users for "not reading the post" or "not taking the survey" you should consider actually listening to the clear negative feedback you have received here.

Comment by vsync at 05/04/2020 at 17:00 UTC

1 upvotes, 1 direct replies

The core group that we're trying to find a way to target is the larger, more casual readership who are going to check out a thread which might hit their frontpage, but aren't waiting every Sunday morning for /u/Gankom to fill up the Digest.

So what? That's how Reddit is supposed to work, and in fact is working fine for them.

How dare you assume what's good for them?

Maybe they actively try to avoid distraction and are budgeting/timing their visits. How do you feel, pushing people into addiction?

This is worse than email spam because I have control via MTA and MUA. Everything here is intentionally limited by Reddit mismanagement, and you are now collaborators. We know what happens to collaborators.