created by Sicarii4eva on 01/04/2020 at 00:39 UTC
61 upvotes, 5 top-level comments (showing 5)
I'm stuck here in Jerusalem fighting the Romans in a rebellion that has gone...not great, so far. Huge numbers of refugees are besieged here. Most people here who don't really hate the Romans enough think we should hold out indefinitely, but we hardcore folks can't accept that. I feel like the rebellion is being hamstrung from our own side. My buddy Yohanan suggested that we destroy the grain supplies so this indefinite waiting (which will inevitably end in failure) ends, and everybody has to be on the same page to fight all-out.
WIBTA if I did that, and burned some people's grain, so everybody all-in on a big battle against these imperialists?
Comment by hannahstohelit at 01/04/2020 at 01:23 UTC
26 upvotes, 0 direct replies
Um, YTA, dude, I mean the Romans already besieged the city so that food can't get in and now you want to destroy whatever food you have left? Look, I bet you want Marta bat Beitus's money, but if you do this there won't be anything to buy with it. People are going to DIE, dude, and if they get desperate enough maybe they'll even eat their own kids. You had better be REALLY sure you're going to win this thing before you try a move like this.
Comment by WeeWooBooBooBusEMT at 01/04/2020 at 00:49 UTC*
9 upvotes, 1 direct replies
So...Would I Be The Asshole if I did that? Yes. YTA*
Comment by AdmiralAkbar1 at 01/04/2020 at 02:09 UTC
8 upvotes, 0 direct replies
YTA. taking away the advantage of food means that you won't be left with a bunch of devoted martyrs, you'll be left with a bunch of sick and starving people who'd be willing to sell you out for a loaf of bread. Not worth it.
Comment by ErickFTG at 01/04/2020 at 05:39 UTC
6 upvotes, 0 direct replies
YTA. You are dragging along people who at least didn't care if they were ruled by Romans. That's very cowardly, and sorry OP but this may as well go on /r/Whatcouldgowrong if I rebel against the almighty Roman Empire.
Comment by AutoModerator at 01/04/2020 at 00:39 UTC
1 upvotes, 0 direct replies
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