1066 upvotes, 1 direct replies (showing 1)
Y'all are getting a nice, rare, treat, as I haven't done this in about a year[1]. Here you go. /u/Raidicus, the extent of all top level responses[2], as of a few minutes ago when I took the screenshot. Names are edited out.
As you can see, there is one single word answer, one short paragraph which is wildly out of sync with the rules of the subreddit and was downvoted to -20 before we managed to remove it, and then everything else is people asking why things are deleted or making Scientology jokes about the deleted comments. *This is what you are missing out on*. If you want to be able to see those comments, then you have come to the wrong subreddit. We will continue to remove those comments, and also be issuing temporary bans to users who continue to make them as they compound the problem.
Edit: And to reiterate, while we wait for an answer, try killing the time with some of these past responses highlighted in our Monthly "Best Of".[3] Also, in the best AskHistorians tradition, responses to this will be removed, unless they are *incredibly* insightful, in which case please make a META thread instead.
3: https://www.reddit.com/r/AskHistorians/wiki/bestof
Comment by [deleted] at 08/02/2017 at 15:36 UTC
-15 upvotes, 2 direct replies