created by Larkswing13 on 03/12/2024 at 18:25 UTC
82 upvotes, 2 top-level comments (showing 2)
I’ve been researching a background for an upper class character set in the 1920s and I am having an extremely difficult time finding specific information about what a finishing school would have looked like during that time, or even really at all. So far I’ve found a blog from a woman who attended one in the 1970s which doesn’t go into much detail and an article from a reporter who visited one in modern times, but nothing older and nothing very specific. Wikipedia just gives a vague “they studied etiquette” type answer.
At this point I’m honestly just curious as to why it’s so hard to find anything!
Do we have any evidence of actual curriculums that would have been taught or any good sources about finishing schools from that era and what life was like there? Thank you in advance!
Comment by AutoModerator at 03/12/2024 at 18:25 UTC
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Comment by [deleted] at 03/12/2024 at 20:56 UTC*
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