created by Georgy_K_Zhukov on 24/11/2024 at 21:58 UTC
24 upvotes, 2 top-level comments (showing 2)
After much putzing, but not quite a month late, here they are, the winners for October!
Taking the top honors for the **Flairs' Choice** award, u/thestoryteller69's deep dive into "How did Singapore go from a third-world country to one of the most successful metropolises in the modern day, all within a lifetime?"[1] was hard to miss.
Meanwhile over in the **Users' Choice** vote, /u/ducks_over_IP gave some very welcome insight into a frequent inquiry as to "How come that highly developed ancient civilizations like Egypt and Rome didn’t stumble upon steam power or electricity?[2]".
No **Dark Horse Award** this month as a non-flair took one of the top honors outright.
Finally, for this month's **'Greatest Question'**, voted on by the mods, /u/UnfoundedFox- pondering on "If Tenochtitlan in the Aztec Empire was the biggest, wealthiest, most powerful city in the continent, was it kind of a "global city" for its time and place? Like, were there Mayan neighborhoods like there are Chinatowns today?[3]" was noticed by the mods as well, and it doesn't hurt that /u/PM_ELEPHANTS provided some useful thoughts on the matter as well in response!
As always, congrats to our very worthy winners, and thank you to everyone else who has contributed here, whether with thought-provoking questions or fascinating answers. And if this month you want to flag some stand-out posts that you read here for potential nomination, don't forget to post them in our Sunday Digest![4] For a list of past winners, check them out here![5]
Comment by Kelpie-Cat at 24/11/2024 at 22:19 UTC
8 upvotes, 0 direct replies
Congratulations to all the winners!!
Comment by Gankom at 25/11/2024 at 02:32 UTC
4 upvotes, 3 direct replies
Huge congrats to /u/thestoryteller69, /u/ducks_over_IP, /u/UnfoundedFox