Comment by weeddealerrenamon on 01/12/2024 at 18:51 UTC

11 upvotes, 1 direct replies (showing 1)

View submission: Neanderthals & Clan Meetings

I think the answers to this will be pretty much the same as for early humans - for most of our history we were very sparse too. And I think the answer is "probably, sometimes!"

Total average population density would have been quite low, and accidentally running into a different group wouldn't have been common (I do *not* have actual data here, but I bet someone could do some napkin math and tell you how common). But people don't move around randomly, they move along natural features, follow migration routes, etc. I think it's likely that people (humans and neanderthals) groups would have run into each other where/when food was plentiful and concentrated. Valleys that naturally funneled migrating herds, or a river that's got a yearly explosion of fish, etc.


Comment by saskatoonauthor at 01/12/2024 at 19:11 UTC

2 upvotes, 0 direct replies

Good thoughts there. Thanks