Comment by NeverEndingConquest on 03/12/2024 at 05:12 UTC

2 upvotes, 1 direct replies (showing 1)

View submission: Self worth

I don’t have this issue. I’ve done more than a dozen men and I’m ready to die any day and I’d be happy as a clam knowing my worth and my contribution in life mattered.

Pivot to why I’m talking this shit above. I’m in my mid 40s and I’ve felt this way since my mid-30s. What I’ve already accomplished has always pushed me to do and seek more - to continue to find this fulfillment. The only place I’ve found it without risking my life on a daily basis is in volunteering in my community. Giving back. Doing something for someone else. Hard work in, positive benefit to someone else out.

You can find what you’re looking for in your own neighborhood. There are lots of folks in greater need than ourselves.

Give your time and talents to those who can benefit from it and you���ll never feel this way again. You’ll want to do and give more, actually.


Comment by Sweaty_Experience811 at 03/12/2024 at 06:51 UTC

1 upvotes, 0 direct replies

Well, I will say this. I have volunteered and helped others in need. I give the dollars and coins I have to those who need it more than myself. I help feed the homeless and the one in need of food on Thanksgiving and on Christmas. People who are in need of a helping hand in moving or building something. It was the way I was raised. Help out and never ask for anything in return. So I have done that before. And maybe it's because what I was told to do in my younger years. When people needed a shoulder to lean on, I was there. I have backed off friends from suicide, helped them out of a rut, and heal broken hearts. And still feel the same. I used to think that as my daughter grows, I want her to think that I was the strongest, toughest, and somewhat smart. I injured my back and was barely able to get out of bed. She saw that I wasn't the strongest and toughest. She has questions that I don't know, so she sees that I'm not the smartest. And it makes me think, why did I drop out of college. Why didn't I go back. That's where some of that self-worth is missing. It's a lot, but I have always wondered how to people who feel that way over come it. That's all.