____                 __     ____       __                __ 
   / __ \___  ________  / /_   / __ \___  / /_  ____  ____  / /_
  / /_/ / _ \/ ___/ _ \/ __/  / /_/ / _ \/ __ \/ __ \/ __ \/ __/
 / _, _/  __(__  )  __/ /_   / _, _/  __/ /_/ / /_/ / /_/ / /_  
/_/ |_|\___/____/\___/\__/  /_/ |_|\___/_.___/\____/\____/\__/  

Wordle for Gemini published

First, pardon my english but I want to get the word out. Since I saw winter's comments about how NYT was transforming Wordle's experience into a crappy one, I remembered I still have in this capsule my own clone that works over Gemini and it is simple enough to have anyone put it on their own. Mine works with a spanish word dictionary, but you can have it generate the database with *any* word list. It will take care of the client certificates to keep a way of a session and track if you've already solved or not the current word and pick a new one when 16 minutes have passed.

Wordgemile on Github

And yes, I know, Github is not gazed upon very nicely around here, but it is where I have an account and anyone with an account can come and collaborate. I'm looking into alternatives like Codeberg and Sourcehut and migrate everything from there, since my personal Gitea instance would require people to create an account in (I might take SourceHut's offering and try it out at my own server!). But, at least, the code is now out, please feel free to peek in, make suggestions and check it out. Build your own Wordle in English, Toki Pona, Esperanto, Swedish... and let's have some good fun in the Gemini space!

With all this, feel free to open issues, send me an email with comments about this (specially why choose Sourcehut or Codeberg!) and nothing would make me more happy if you told me you spun your own Wordle and send me a link!


Article by Winter that made me take this step forward!

Wordle doesn't need an editor

Atrás 🔙