sina mi la meli lili pi len loje


I've been learning toki pona (again) for the past few days and I think I'm getting it. I joined the "ma pona pi toki pona" discord and lurking there has helped an awful lot.

Today I read the translation of little red riding hood "meli lili pi len loje".

meli lili pi len loje

I forgot how fucked up that fairy tale is. My memory of it was hazy and re-reading it in toki pona made me do a few double takes. They cut the wolf open and fill him with rocks?

Anyawy it's funny seeing how direct some of the sentences are:

soweli ike li moli lon telo.
"the wolf (bad animal) died in the water."

And a quote from the hunter/woodcuuter:

“tenpo suli la mi wile moli e sina!”
I've wanted to kill you for a long time!

If you're learning toki pona I'd recommend that story, it's a fun read.

mi tawa!


toki pona translation:


tenpi pini lili la mi kama sona e toki pona. mi kama jo e sona mute pi toki pona. mi kama lon ma pona pi toki pona. ni li pona tawa mi.

tenpo suno ni la mi lukin e toki musi pi "meli lili pi len loje". ni li toki musi tan toki Inli.

meli lili pi len loje

mi weka e sona ni: toki musi ni li ike a! mi lukin ni lon toki pona la mi pilin monsuta. ona li kipisi e soweli ike anu seme? ona li pana e kiwen tawa insa pi soweli ike anu seme? ike a!

taso mi lukin e toki musi ni la mi pilin pona.

sina kama sona e toki pona la toki musi ni li pona.

mi tawa!