Re: [Off Topic] WiFi HaLow, Mesh, and Low Powered Devices

> John Goerzen <> writes:
> > Since we're talking about old protocols, there is, of course, UUCP.
> > There is a more modern replacement called NNCP that has quite a few nice
> > properties.  It is still asynchronous, but it is fully encrypted and
> > authenticated, supports tor-style onion routing and async multicast, and
> > so forth.  I have made some blog posts about it and also offer Usenet
> > feeds over NNCP.  UUCP or NNCP would be perfect fits for something like
> > this.
> Hey, thanks for the writeups on NNCP. I've been interested in NNCP for a
> year or two, but haven't actually used it because the existing
> documentation isn't very concrete. I am *very* interested in building a
> Usenet/post-Usenet feed on top of NNCP, so I'll be reading your writeup
> with much interest.

I suppose I come across as a cranky old fart, but I had a quick
look at it, and it is a project written in Go, shipping 11Mb
of source.

Now, the reason I interested in gemini is that I'd like
to understand and simplify my computing world as well as
disentangle myself from the sticky surveillance web. Installing
yet another large runtime associated with a surveillance
capitalist is not how I like to go about that. So regrettably
this isn't for me.

Which is a pity: A number of ideas in it look neat - eg the
chunked file fragments which are encrypted at rest. And the
use of NaCl also seems a positive. 

I see this issue (and frankly, worse) in so many cases:

- Nice articulate article explaining the need for privacy - but
  the html contains vast amounts of JS to google analytics, fonts, apis, etc

- New meshnet project all in favour of decentralisation - but runs
  its development chat on slack

- New software claiming to implement some simple, lightweight
  infrastructure - but its critical dependency is a "modern" web browser,
  hands down the most complex piece of software in common use

I suppose everybody has different priorities or maybe the
enthusiastic newcomer just doesn't know about all the nuances,
the politics embedded in their infrastructure...  but from my
vantage these things are critical.

[ALSO: not replying to the gemini list only, but CC'ing it. Is the 
list even operational ? The last message I received from it was on 
the 3rd]




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