Don’t forget the classic, Finger


> On Oct 26, 2021, at 10:35 AM, Michael Lazar <> wrote:
> V1.0
> Last-modified: 2021-10-26.
> ## gopher://
> Developed by University of Minnesota in the early 90's. Peaked in the early
> 90's. Gained a small resurgence in the 2000's. Gained a larger resurgence in
> the late '10s with increased popularity coming from tilde servers and other
> small internet communities such as SDF and Bitreich.
> => gopher://
> ## gopher+
> A forwards compatible extension for gopher developed by UMN in '93. Supports
> form uploads, MIME types, and extra metadata queries. Uses the gopher://
> scheme. Was never widely adopted, and was not part of the 2000's gopher
> resurgence.
> =>
> ## gophers://
> Vanilla gopher wrapped in a TLS connection. Started circulating the gopher
> mailing list around the time gemini was created. Not widely used (but did
> manage to make it into curl!), and is primarily advocated by Bitreich members.
> =>
> ## gemini://
> Information about this protocol is sparse, but at first glance it appears to be
> an amateurish blunder that should have just used a subset of HTTP/HTML. Doesn't
> support inline images.
> =>
> ## mercury://
> A stripped down version of gemini that was outlined by solderpunk in an
> informal blog post. There is no actual spec for mercury and it is not
> implemented anywhere. Mainly used by the gemini community as a stand-in for
> the abstract idea of "gemini minus TLS" or "gemini minus feature x".
> => gemini://
> ## text://
> The "plaintext protocol", probably the closest thing we will get to a concrete
> implementation of mercury. Created by gemini mailing list persona non grata,
> petite abeille. Supports both non-TLS and TLS, and is backwards compatible with
> gemini. Was originally referred to as "☿://".
> =>
> ## iapeus://
> Companion protocol designed to work alongside gemini for file upload, by the
> creator of Ariane.
> =>
> ## titan://
> Companion protocol designed to work alongside gemini for file upload, by Alex
> Schroeder. Notably implemented by the Lagrange browser.
> =>
> ## inimeg://
> Companion protocol designed to work alongside gemini for file upload,
> independently proposed on the mailing list by Sean Conner and later benthor,
> who hosts a specification.
> => gemini://
> ## spartan://
> Borrows many design cues from gemini, but was built from the ground-up with a
> different set of design goals. Intended to exist as a separate protocol and not
> "augment" gemini (spartan is to gemini, as gemini is to gopher). No TLS.
> => gemini://
> Because sometimes in response to uploading files, someone will throw out a "you
> should use FTP" as if that's not a loaded statement...
> ## ftp://
> File transfer protocol that was created in the 70's. Contains lots of legacy
> cruft because it was designed pre-TCP/IP, and is difficult to implement.
> ## ftps://
> Plain FTP with a TLS layer added on top. Keeps all the cruft of FTP.
> ## sftp://
> "SSH File Transfer Protocol". Despite the name, this is not FTP but a new file
> transfer protocol designed to work on top of SSH.
> # Contact
> Mail comments and questions about the FAQ to:
> Copyright (C) Michael Lazar 2021.
> This FAQ may be copied and redistributed under the terms of CC BY-SA 4.0.
> =>


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