Re: chat over gemini (or, let's play with streaming text)

On Mon, Oct 4, 2021 at 2:45 PM Omar Polo <> wrote:
> The idea is similar to the one presented by solderpunk in "A vision for
> gemini applications"
> gemini://
> and, frankly, I'm quite disappointed nobody has built something like
> this before.  (or at least I haven't been able to find it.  I know
> kensanata has made some experiments with a mush, but I haven't played
> with it (yet))
> The idea is to provide two pages: one that accepts input via the
> response code 10 and appends to a file, the second is a literal `tail
> -f'.  Simple, but it works, and it's immediate.  As soon as someone
> sends something, all the clients reading from `tail -f' gets the
> message.

Looks familiar!


(source code)

- Michael


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