Re: Gemini Usenet Newsgroup

On 9/27/21 14:10, Chris Brannon wrote:
> I'm not sure that there'd be enough traffic to warrant a Usenet group.
> I mean, this list isn't really high-traffic, so it's probably more than
> sufficient.  I think to make it useful and not split the community you'd
> also want a bi-directional gateway to the mailing list, which likely
> comes with its own set of problems.
> -- Chris

The Gemini mailing list is active enough to warrant a news group. The
question is would there be enough people would would be willing to use
it. Forwarding the mailing list to Usenet isn't a problem. Lots of
groups do that also.

I've already written a couple of tutorials on how to get started with
Usenet for people who aren't familiar with it if they are interested:

Anyway, I'm really happy with the community here. You've been very
helpful. I'm hoping to include a bunch of historical newsgroup archives
in my capsule soon (after I fix lingering some bugs).



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