Hello Gemini users! I just wanted to send out a brief update on my MoonGem server. Links can be found at the end of this message. MoonGem is a Gemini protocol server written in C that supports generating dynamic content via inline Lua scripting. Most features of the Gemini protocol are now accessible through the Lua API, including input-handling, redirects, and client certificates. I learned how to use Docker this week, so I've also added a Dockerfile and pushed an image to the hub. To try it out: docker pull pandarouxdev/moongem The SourceHut repository has scripts for building the image locally and running it with the correct volumes. I welcome any questions or feedback. Take care, and thank you for reading! panda-roux Links: Docker Hub repository: https://hub.docker.com/r/pandarouxdev/moongem Project page on SourceHut: https://sr.ht/~panda-roux/MoonGem/ Homepage on my personal capsule (docs are slightly outdated): gemini://gemini.panda-roux.dev/moongem