Re: [tech] Pre-generated trust stores for various Gemini clients

Thank you very much for the update! - A delay shouldn't be a problem. I 
just need to keep the certificates updated then.

Best regards from Charleston (WV),

On 2021-06-05 17:55, nervuri wrote:
> On Fri, 2021-06-04, Frank Jüdes wrote:
>> Ihaq: The certificates for my server are coming from and
>> they give me free certificates that are valid for only 90 days, so my
>> server will have a new certificate every three months (the current one
>> expires on July 25th). Will my capsule be thrown out of your list due to
>> that new certificate?
> No, its cert will be updated.  I usually run the scripts every 3-4 days,
> so there will be a delay.
-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
My Gemini capsule orbits at gemini://


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