Re: [tech] Gemini reverse proxy

My gemini server at does reverse proxying.
Works with Unix sockets too. It does everything I need.

On Tue May 25, 2021 at 8:05 PM UTC, Michael Lazar wrote:
> Greetings,
> Has anyone gotten a reverse proxy server working with gemini?
> Specifically, I'm looking for something that can listen on port 1965
> and route encrypted traffic to other ports based on the TLS SNI. I
> don't want to do TLS termination at the proxy-layer because I need to
> support client certificates on the destination servers.
> From my research, it looks like Nginx and HAProxy both claim to
> support TLS routing like this, but I can't for the life of me figure
> out how to configure either of them :/
> Best,
> Michael

Christine Dodrill

.i la budza pu cusku lu
 <<.i ko snura .i ko kanro
   .i ko panpi .i ko gleki


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