[users] Noob-friendly solutions for co-writing a gemini site?


my partner wants to write a site with me. She likes the idea of Gemini and 
the simplicity of its syntax, but is not the kind of person to run cli 
applications like vim and rsync all the time. Which is how I have been 
doing it. She told me she would prefer to use something like the Nextcloud 
inbuilt text editor, though that one uses Markdown unfortunately and seems 
too complex for me to just modify it to work with gemtext right now.

So I was wondering, did any of you have similar challenges? What solution 
did you ultimately go with? There are a few pieces to this puzzle, so I 
will just list them individually:

highlighting is a big plus, fancy rendering of headers or lists etc is not 
necessary because it's already so simple)

the site ultimately will be

with some server-based solution or with eg. Syncthing keeping the state of 
our computers in sync

server that is hosting our site

I would be thankful for any suggestions! I believe finding a practical 
solution for this type of user would be important for more people to 
access gemini as writers. So even if you want to suggest a community 
effort for modifying an existing tool or creating a new one, I am open to 
working on it and hearing your ideas :)



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