Updated recommendations regarding TOFU & TLS

On Thu Mar 4, 2021 at 1:10 PM EST, Drew DeVault wrote:

> This thread demonstrates quite neatly why I'm not
> subscribed to the mailing list in the first place: because it's full of
> such esteemed posters as yourself.

I don't mean to derail the focus of the conversation which is TOFU and TLS,
but as a newbie to this mailing list, I have to agree with the quoted
sentiment above.  It seems there's a bit of vitriol to an "outsider"
(Drew introduced me to gemini through his blog) who is trying to share his
recommendations.  I see nothing wrong with a non-subscriber sending
an email to the list. It's easy to archive/trash/filter out the sender
if you don't want to acknowledge their existence.


Previous in thread (16 of 47): 🗣️ Drew DeVault (sir (a) cmpwn.com)

Next in thread (18 of 47): 🗣️ ew.gemini (ew.gemini (a) nassur.net)

View entire thread.