[user] Putting my blog on gemini, question about subdomains


I heard of the wonderful Gemini protocol a while ago, and I've decided to 
put my blog on Geminispace!


I may put other resources on here later for some of my other open source 
projects, but I've decided to just start out with my blog. The server 
software I'm using is something I've mostly written from scratch in C++, 
and it presently serves no actual files on the SSD - just my blog posts 
from a MySQL database (either?converted from markdown or written in native 
gemtext), a status page, and a contact page.

Anyway, my question is... is it better to use a subdomain (i.e. 
gemini.snowymouse.com) or to continue using the main domain (i.e. 
snowymouse.com)? I've been lurking on this mailing list for a while, and 
I've been seeing a lot of new capsules using either, so I wasn't sure!

As a side note, I consider the HTTP and gemini blog functionally identical 
since, besides differences in formatting, they're functionally identical, 
which is why I defaulted to just using the same hostname.

Many thanks,


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