[Clients] Gemini and accessibility regarding preformatted code blocks

Just a quick note to browser devs, you don't have to put the double right
arrow symbol next to links, and indeed, if I arrow unto a link line, I
expect Enter to activate that link. But, with the double right arrow symbol
before that link on the line, it just activates that instead, with no
result. I've taken out the double right arrow of the Elpher client, since
that's configurable, but it isn't in GemiNaut so I can only Tab to the link
then press Enter, or use the screen reader's "next link" command. Oh and a
keyboard command to go to the address bar is always great. :)
Devin Prater
r.d.t.prater at gmail.com

On Fri, Feb 26, 2021 at 9:43 AM Bradley D. Thornton <Bradley at northtech.us>

> On 2/26/2021 7:13 AM, Bradley D. Thornton wrote:
> >
> >
> Apologies, I need to address one mistake in my last post and add one
> thought.
> First, the mistake. I forgot to remove the quote marks for Seans
> example, in case anyone got confused and would attribute the change to him.
> ```:
>   ____        _   _
>  |  _ \ _   _| |_| |__   ___  _ __
>  | |_) | | | |  _| '_ \ / _ \| ._ \
>  |  __/| |_| | |_| | | | (_) | | | |
>  |_|    \_,  |\__|_| |_|\___/|_| |_|
>         |___/
> ```
> I'm not suggesting that the above actually be what the authors of
> clients should choose to adopt as their "convention", I'm just
> clarifying that I edited Sean's example for the purposes of using it as
> an example, as he  suggested :)
> Second, I would prefer not to refer to ASCII art or ANSI art as art at
> all for the purposes of user accessibility, but rather, something like
> perhaps "Noise". Because that is effectively what we're doing by
> treating such preformatted blocks as a comment, filtering out the noise
> for those who will be listening audibly to the dictation of a .gmi file.
> Besides, .png and .jpg files, and even .gif or video files may
> themselves either contain or themselves be artwork.
> Beyond any of that, I do think we need to move on the issue of noise
> with some expedience.
> I hope that helps :)
> Kindest regards,
> --
> Bradley D. Thornton
> Manager Network Services
> http://NorthTech.US
> TEL: +1.310.421.8268
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