[ANN] Paste it to Gemini

On Fri, Feb 12, 2021 at 02:49:08PM +0100, Louis Brauer wrote:
> You can use any Gemini browser for that, 
> i.e. Lagrange:
> https://share.getcloudapp.com/yAu6ZN8E
> or Amfora interactively:
> https://share.getcloudapp.com/z8uP4j54
> or pass the paste directly to amfora:
> $ amfora "gemini://paste.gemigrep.com/paste?This is another way to do it"
> This will instantly create a new paste and give you the URL.

even more low-level approach:

echo "gemini://paste.gemigrep.com/$(echo "gemini://paste.gemigrep.com/paste?$1" \
	| openssl s_client -quiet -connect paste.gemigrep.com:1965 2>&1 | tail -1 
| cut -d / -f 3)"

Tested on OpenBSD's ksh(1).

- can't deal with newlines. You can insert '%0A' in the string to force a newline.
- I haven't figured out how to simplify this even more to set an alias... :/


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