[spec] Possible Tables Syntax


nothien at uber.space writes:

> There is a new discussion about table formats under the [users]
> category, but I've thought of one possibility that roughly matches the
> look of tables but keeps each cell on its own line, and I wanted to see
> what others think of it in a more [spec]-relevant area.  Essentially,
> indentation (tabs) is used to represent which column a cell is in.
> Wrapping cell text is possible, so I hesitate to put it in a
> preformatted block, but it's the best way to show that it's an
> unfamiliar format.
>> +--------------------------------+-------+
>> | Food                           | Price |
>> +--------------------------------+-------+
>> | Eggs                           | $2    |
>> | Eggs and spam                  | $4    |
>> | Eggs, spam, eggs and spam      | $8    |
>> | Spam spam baked beans and spam | $8    |
>> | Just spam                      | $2    |
>> +--------------------------------+-------+
> ```table
> Food
>       Price
> Eggs
>       $2
> Eggs and spam
>       $4
> Eggs, spam, eggs and spam
>       $8
> Spam spam baked beans and spam
>       $8
> Just spam
>       $2
> ```

Well, I quite strongly oppose this idea.
If your table like layout cannot be made with toggling
preformatted lines useing ```, what's the point then?
If you really need tables, maybe large tables, who is stopping
the author from using xml, http, csv, or whatnot, and make it a
downloadable file?

> What do you think?

Don't do it.

Keep it simple!
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