[spec] Possible Tables Syntax

John Cowan <cowan at ccil.org> wrote:
> "User" editors usually don't generate HT when the user presses the TAB
> key.

Sounds like an opinion, but then so is mine.  I'm using (Neo)Vi(m),
where whether HTs or spaces are inserted depends upon the format, but is
easily changeable (:set [no]expandtab or :set [no]et).  I don't actually
know about many other editors.  Do you have any data to back this up?
I'll go looking myself as well, but if it turns out that HTs are
uncommon then we may be able to replace them with 4 spaces (of course,
that opens up the question of what happens when the number of spaces on
a table line is not a multiple of 4, but we can figure that out).

~aravk | ~nothien


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