IETF policy on encodings and languages

John Cowan <cowan at> wrote:
> Up to a point, certainly.  The tail end of languages probably don't
> need interfaces.

Yep, makes sense.  Too much work (unless someone's willing to do it all
for you).

> Suppose you have written an essay in French on the novels of Jules
> Verne in text/gemini format, and you want to link to a collection of
> the novels themselves.  You can then insert this link line:
> => gemini://
r=Verne Les oeuvres de Jules Verne en fran?ais
> The user who selects this link will receive a text/gemini document,
> something like this:
> => gemini:// Verne, Jules, 1828-1905. Le 
chate?u des Carpathe. [fr]
> => gemini:// Verne, Jules, 1828-1905. 
K?raban-Le-T?tu, Volume I. [fr]
> => gemini:// Verne, Jules, 1828-1905. 
Une ville flottante. [fr]
> ...
> Since this is not an _interactive_ search, the Gemini conventions
> about status 1x and the query string don't apply.

But it is an interactive search.  When you point to someone that they
can use the advanced search page, you're going to point them to
gemini://  If you fill in a query
string for them, that's fine, but you also had to write that out
manually.  There's no way in Gemini to automatically create that link
(as to do so you would have to give what you're looking for to a page to
translate it to that format for you, but if it has that translation
ability it would be supported in the advsearch.gmi page itself).  In the
end, someone had to write it out by hand, and that's not the right way
to do it.  I completely understand that such a search function is
needed, and I obviously can't stop you from using this format if you
want, but I do feel that there is a better way to pull it off.  For
example, if you're just searching for an author, you could make an
author-searching page where the query string is only the author name.
But I don't know what the better way, if there is one, is yet.

Also, under my system, the URL you've given says nothing about the
language of the interface (e.g. the "Les oeuvres de Jules Verne en
fran?ais", which would presumably be in the header of the search page).
Under my system, prepending 'fr.' to the domain would effectively
request that the server use a French interface, so that everything from
the returned text/gemini documents to error messages would be in French.
But the URL would be otherwise unaffected.

~aravk | ~nothien


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