[tech] [spec] Decide on use of URL fragment

> Finally, the fragment may also be used for other purposes. For instance, 
a hash could be used by the browser to check if a page has been modified, 
or if a file has been downloaded correctly. So it might be wise to use 
prefixes, like #find= and #hash:sha256=.

Two more quirky ideas for alternate uses of fragments:

server-generated file listing. Optionally, a Gemini server could append 
#size= to all links pointing to domains which it hosts. And browsers could 
limit their use of #size to instances where the destination file is hosted 
on the same domain as the page that links to it.

(or a user's) perspective on the cert used by a linked-to domain. Can be 
periodically refreshed by the server. If it doesn't match, browser shows a warning.


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