[spec] IRIs, IDNs, and all that international jazz

On Wed, Dec 23, 2020 at 02:02:06AM +0100, Petite Abeille wrote:
> > On Dec 23, 2020, at 01:41, bie <bie at 202x.moe> wrote:
> > 
> > My "threshold" for complexity is "can I write a conforming, relatively
> > strict and safe server only relying on the OpenBSD base system". It's
> > kind of arbitrary, sure, but what isn't.
> Fair enough. But what's the showstopper really?
> Not sure what the "base system" contains, nor the level at which you 
interact with it, but it lists Perl as one of its component. Which could handle IRIs*.
> But if strict ASCII is all what "OpenBSD base system" can do, ever, then so be it. 
> On the other hand, one can always, you know, write such IRI parser on 
their own. It has been done before. There must be a C compiler somewhere 
in that base system, no?
> * https://metacpan.org/pod/IRI

Should have specified the language (C), too. I'm not going to be pulling
in perl, and writing a full-fledged IRI parser from scratch in C sounds
profoundly uncomfortable.

In any case, it's not about what's possible, just a purely personal
opinion about where gemini gets too complex to be fun. I'm not expecting
anyone to share my exact preferences, just putting it out there as a
single anecdotal data point (from someone who so far has been serving
mostly non-ascii content over gemini with no real problems or complaints)



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