[tech] Questions about cache

> > Gemini has no support for caching

This is referring to protocol-mandated caching, there's nothing saying a
client can't cache at its discretion. It also implies that if your
dynamic content doesn't work, then it's the client's fault, not yours
nor the protocol's.

> So I was a bit surprised when I was putting together some dynamic
> content for my capsule and found that my client (amfora) was caching
> things. I was able to get around it by using temporary redirects to
> add cache busting query strings.

Well behaved clients usually have some way to disable or get around the
cache. For instance, Lagrange only caches forwards and backwards
navigation, and any new links visited will not use the cache, even if
you've already visited that page.

Looking at the Amfora code, it seems like there's 3 limits to the
cache[1]: number of pages, size in bytes, and number of seconds. This
seems to be configurable[2],and it looks like it *should* (I may be
misreading the code) hard reload the page when you refresh a tab[3]. Not
that this is helpful for dynamic content, you can't expect your users to
do an extra refresh every time, but helpful if you're viewing a dynamic
page yourself.

[1]: https://github.com/makeworld-the-better-one/amfora/blob/master/cache/page.go#L19-L3
[2]: https://github.com/makeworld-the-better-one/amfora/blob/master/config/
[3]: https://github.com/makeworld-the-better-one/amfora/blob/master/display

> > ...I only added it for cache-busting on lynx (otherwise you would
> > always see the same result as the first time you loaded the page).

This seems like lynx's fault. Caching a page permanently is not a good
idea, even in webspace.

> Is there some guarantee that a capsule writer has on what may _not_ be
> cached, or is it entirely up to the client's discretion? If the
> latter, is this something which could be clarified in the spec? My
> impression from this ML was that caching is frowned upon (except for
> perhaps navigating back and forth through your history), but this has
> not been my experience (at least with amfora).

There's no way to guarantee or request it, because pages assume they
aren't cached. The consensus on caching should be that it should be only
in special circumstances instead of the norm (for instance, caching
forward/backward navigation only). I'd look to see if there's a way to
disable caching on a per-site basis or at least temporarily disable it
globally in Amfora, because having a cache that acts like that doesn't
seem quite right. Absolute worst case, use a different client for
dynamic content than you would use for static content.

Just because I'm lazy I wouldn't go out of my way to implement cache
busting, and instead just put a warning saying some clients may cache
the page and cause it to not function properly. Especially when most
clients don't cache, and the cache-busting would clog up
forward/backward navigation on normal clients.


Alex // nytpu
alex at nytpu.com
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