[ANN] The Saturday Morning Gemzine

Wow I'll definitely be reading it. Thanks!

On Sat, Dec 19, 2020 at 10:17:46AM +0000, littlejohn at SDF.ORG wrote:
> Dear Gemini fans,
> It is well-established that, in 2020, a technology cannot be said to
> be "for hipsters" unless someone is using it to run an e-zine. Since I
> don't know of anyone who does that with Gemini, and I do not wish to
> Hacker News to be disappointed with us, I took it upon myself to run
> an e-zine on Gemini.
> I am therefore writing to tell you about Smog: the Saturday MOrning
> Gemzine. Smog is an independent, non-commercial, tech-focused but
> non-tech-curious zine that seeks to encourage its readers to share
> their ideas, to make new things and tinker with old ones, and to
> challenge the publishing culture that's currently prevalent on the
> WWW. It is likely to be labeled as either pointless or uselessly
> contrarian by the Silicon Valley audience -- that was not deliberate
> but we can't change it now, and Smog is too big to fail.
> Smog is published at:
> gemini://gemini.trans-neptunian.space/~smog/
> and you can read its first issue here:
> gemini://gemini.trans-neptunian.space/~smog/20201219-SmogIssue1.gmi
> The first issue is deliberately slim and devoid of grand statements of
> vision (or even tiny ones). Given the ephemeral nature of most
> e-zines, I figured it's best to save those for the second issue.
> Smog is published weekly. News and announcements will be present in
> every issue. Every fourth issue will be slightly bigger than the other
> ones and will include more reviews, tutorials and stories.
> I will gladly publish letters from my readers, and will gladly publish
> or re-publish any technical or non-technical articles that might be of
> interest to the community. There are a few more details inside if
> you're curious.
> As a cultural hunch/experiment of sorts, I'm also running ads in Smog,
> with a few catches: ads are ran for free, they're text-only but I
> encourage clever ASCII hacks, and calls for donations & co. will
> always get priority.
> Please excuse any obvious hosting/server protocol compliance
> problems. They will be remedied swiftly as soon as someone lets me
> know about them -- if there are any, it's only because yours truly has
> been lurking Gemini space for about an year and a half now but hasn't
> *actually* tried hosting anything on Gemini before!
> Thank you very much for your attention, and fingers crossed that the
> second issue of Smog will have more than one reader even without me
> spamming this list!
> -- 
> Little John <littlejohn at sdf.org>
> Find me on Gemini: gemini://gemini.trans-neptunian.space/~littlejohn/
> Via the SDF Public Access UNIX System - https://sdf.org

Joseph Graham; a tech-rights advocate from England.

My PGP key: 0x8cd7227da467d3ed404f6eefdb590f739e5ac458

I have three blogs:
  - my blog about the ethics of technology: http://www.technologicallyadvancedhuman.uk
  - my blog about computing and electronics: http://www.naughtycomputer.uk/
  - my blog about scooters and cafe reviews: http://cafereview.xylon.me.uk
I write software: https://www.suckmore.uk/
I run a public Taskenizer installation: https://taskenizer.xylon.me.uk


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