Unicode vs. the World

This is the only time I'm going to reply to one of these threads, but I
should actually say what I think: Supporting IDNs and IRIs is something
I can get behind, but it simply doesn't require a spec change. Maybe a
"Gemini Best Practices" change, or even (in the extreme) a companion
spec detailing the basics of punycoding and percent encoding, but that's

Firstly, on IRIs: there is literally no reason not to support them. You
already percent-encode half of ascii anyways, why not just encode the
rest? 100% on board.

IDNs I also agree with, as long as it doesn't get too out of hand with
what you're requiring from people, and as long as at least some
consideration is given to people's more obscure languages that may or
may not have various necessary libraries. I still think it should be
supported, but I'd say to heed the robustness principle: "Be liberal in
what you accept, and conservative in what you send."

I support allowing people to write in unicode in gemtext, including in
link lines, but the client should convert it (transparently or not) for
the server, no spec change required. Look at what Lagrange did for
v0.13! It even displays the unicode URL in the address bar, and deals
with all the conversions so the content authors and users don't even
have to think about it. That's the optimal change for an "advanced"
client I'd say, and a "simple" client could just convert it to
punycode/percent encoded once and display and work with that afterwards
so they don't have to worry about the unicode version internally.

My main complaint I have is how long these threads run, and how they
completely overtake the mailing list, drowning out pretty much
everything else. Even if they were arguing about something I
passionately argue for, I'd still make fun of them because they're so
long that they're farcical. They're full of people misreading everything
that's being said (I'm within that group), people that argue about
something else that's vaguely related but not really. The first thread
was about IDNs and people immediately started talking about IRIs
instead! (or maybe vice-versa? I can't keep the two terms straight).

The main reason I wrote this is to clarify that I am firmly against
changing the spec, no matter how noble the causes, for anything other
than clarification or typos. There are lots of possibilities that don't
require a spec change, both in internationalization support and the
other common mailing list complaints that were long like this thread in
the past (usually about gemtext's "weaknesses").

Just go and do your own thing, experiment, chat on the mailing list
about something if it requires client/server support, and maybe people
will support it! You can use their experience to guide you before
actually suggesting any real best practice changes, companion specs,
etc. For instance, Lagrange really changed my opinion. Its change to
support the full suite of Iwhatevers was much simpler than I expected,
which lightened up my opinion, because I was worried it would result in
web-browser levels of just annoying and impossible for an individual to
write. ("TLS is bad enough, but at least all but the most esoteric
languages have a library somewhere.") Lagrange showed it's actually not
that bad, adding it in was no worse than regular URI parsing.

In summary, Just experiment, chat on the ML (preferably on multiple
topics...) and just do cool stuff! It's what gemini is all about, isn't

Alex // nytpu
alex at nytpu.com
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Previous in thread (2 of 34): 🗣️ Björn Wärmedal (bjorn.warmedal (a) gmail.com)

Next in thread (4 of 34): 🗣️ Côme Chilliet (come (a) chilliet.eu)

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