#gemini logs (was Re: Three possible uses for IRIs)

> On Dec 8, 2020, at 12:49, bie <bie at 202x.moe> wrote:

[2020-12-08T11:31:16.041Z] <bie> fff
[2020-12-08T11:52:29.189Z] <bie> fuck this
[2020-12-08T11:52:32.918Z] <bie> lol
[2020-12-08T11:52:45.090Z] <bie> time to unsubscribe

[2020-12-08T12:51:08.517Z] <khuxkm> my favorite was whoever's response to 
you saying that was "oh we're a frozen spec now?"
[2020-12-08T12:51:16.729Z] <khuxkm> like YES we've been a frozen spec since, like, June

[2020-12-08T12:51:45.154Z] <makeworld> khuxkm: I pinged Solderpunk on 
Masto and he got back to me very quickly saying he had read the IDN thread 
and was going to come to a decision soon
[2020-12-08T12:51:52.567Z] <makeworld> Yeah lol
[2020-12-08T12:52:08.982Z] <makeworld> I think spc is getting nerd sniped

etc, etc, etc...

Certainly you must be aware that the logs from #gemini on tilde.chat are 
fully accessible to everyone who can be bothered, snarky comments & all. For posterity.



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