Again on feeds in Gemini format

Overall this seems like a great solution, thanks a lot for chiming in.

> So, if somebody can see serious shortcomings with this approach or needs
> clarification of some small details, I'm very happy to discuss it, but
> otherwise it would be nice to avoid this becoming yet another endless
> bikeshedding expedition, and I'd be happy to bless this approach or one
> very similar as "official" quite quickly.

Please. I would be happy to see this discussion come to a rest. I'd appreciate
if you could publish a spec for this on the Web and Gemini, and maybe something
in the guide and/or FAQ to help onboard new authors, and explain whether they
should do Atom too, etc. I understand publishing the spec would probably create
more discussion, but at least it would be in a more helpful direction.

I've been told ew0k is about to send an email covering timestamps, which would
be the biggest issue I see. The largest timezone difference in the world is 26
hours, and even for smaller differences, taking dates as UTC can mess with
continuity, and have replies show up before the original posts, or have day
specific posts (like for a holiday) show up as on the wrong day.

> I would argue strongly in favour of supporting only a single format, namely
> the ISO 8601 format (in which today is 2020-11-19).

To further make my point and be annoying, I'd like to point out that today is
2020-11-20 for all the Australians out there. ;)

The other small issue I see is people who naturally separate the date and post
with some other character. Like this:

2020-02-01 - Some other post
2020-01-01 - My first post

This would mean their title starts with a dash. Not great, but I'd say that's a
acceptable issue to have. It would be nice if the spec excluded certain characters
from the beginning maybe, like all whitespace, dashes, colons, etc.



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