Hello gemini people. My first time here so I thought it would be appropriate to send a message. I have discovered gemini thanks to unicorn. I have been reading some articles about it, explored clients, visited sites... Loved the ssh kiosk by the way. And fell in love with bombadillo, both the client and the name. I don't know if I could browse the mailing history so as not to ask redundant questions, but as I don't know such search feature, here I go. Please correct me otherwise and feel free to teach/guide me. I am no developer, so let me ask a few naive questions. Not with the intention of being critic with it. I love the idea for what I have learned. So sometimes it will seem criticism, but in fact it will be ignorance on my behalf. 1) I agree that browsers are a nightmare, and I am worried that Mozilla falls or shrinks and firefox with it. They are having some financial troubles, I am told. So the idea of a beginning from scratch is GREAT. 2) I love simplicity, and plain text (and vim). So I find that making the effort to retain such simplicity is worth and not easy, since the easy is to ask for more and more. I find minimalism great, and also hard. It requires constant self-reminding of why is so important. At least I require such reminders. 3) I am a mathematical physicist and use a lot of equations and data visualization. As a scientist, how can I use gemini? For equations, I usually use MathJax. Talk about bloating!!! It is great but it is huge. There are alternatives, but none is near close to a plain text solution. We also have a set of utilities like tex2mail, which converts LaTeX into ascii or unicode art, but... it is really ugly and inconvenient. We could just use raw LaTeX code, which for some expressions would be fine: \frac{a+b}{x^2+x-2} or (x+y^2)^n but what about a matrix or a more involved code? Is this up to us or is there a way to integrate this without adding excessive complication? What about data? The only thing that comes to me now is to use Python's Sympy, which can render LaTeX equations in ascii and also data graphics. 4) What about musicians, or artists? I am not talking about music score, which even in html has never been offered a nice solution (that I know of). But audio? Is it possible to have audio? I mean, no need for the browser to play it, but to link it? And what about artistic expression? As much as I love plain text and black and white, many Sapiens consider design and style a very important thing. Will these communities feel excluded from gemini because of extreme (I like extreme) simplicity? I am sure I still have a lot to learn here. Sometimes I use ncurses just to have some nice colors in my terminal. My question here is: is the style and design of the page enforced by the protocol, the client or the page itself? IMHO a plain text browser in which each page could define background and text color would be really awesome. 5) I love design and colors, but most of all I love content, and I think that gemini is a refocus on content. And I love it, with or without colors, with or without math. But my dream? A minimalistic browsing with page-defined colors and with some easiness to integrate math and graphics with plain text. Thanks for all the work. I will keep learning from you. And I will also write less words next time (`: fluxion
Next in thread (2 of 5): 🗣️ Ali Fardan (raiz (a) stellarbound.space)