Caching and status codes

On Fri, Nov 6, 2020 at 10:48 PM bie <bie at> wrote:

> This reduces gemini to a simple file sharing protocol and basically says
> that dynamic content is out (unless only targeting advanced clients).

Here are my assumptions.

1) Clients are going to cache, like it or not.  Some already do.

2) Servers are in the best position to say whether content is dynamic or
not. "Dynamic" in this case is not just CGI-generated; it's also static
files that change often.  (I post a static file on the Web that is
recomputed every ten minutes by a cron job.)

3) If the server can communicate "don't cache this", the client can provide
a better UX.

Ultimately, I like the gemini protocol just the way it is (and wouldn'
> be opposed to even a 1000 year feature freeze) but arbitrary caching by
> clients kills a whole host of use-cases around generated and dynamic
> responses.

That horse has sailed and that ship is out of the barn.  "The world will go
as it will, and not as you or I would have it."

John Cowan        cowan at
weirdo:    When is R7RS coming out?
Riastradh: As soon as the top is a beautiful golden brown and if you
stick a toothpick in it, the toothpick comes out dry.
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