Licensing content for your capsule

On Wed, Nov 4, 2020 at 6:35 AM marc <marcx2 at> wrote:

Also, even though the list of licenses they have collected is
> long, I can't spot (and let me know if otherwise)
> any newer ethical licenses - the ones one
> can find by following links on

The first sentence on that page says: "The SPDX License List is a list of
commonly found licenses and exceptions used in free and open source and
other collaborative software or documentation."  That excludes licenses
that are not commonly used and those that are not free/open source
licenses.  SPDX looks through various sources to determine what's commonly
used, but probably can't find anything that's not on the Web.  It defers to
the OSI and the FSF to determine what is a free and open source license,
though it does make its own judgments of the form "Oh, this is the same as
the 2-clause BSD" and includes them.

> For instance, one could imagine somebody publishing
> their capsule under a "free but no surveillance, no deduction
> of personal information" license, and if there is a
> gatekeeper who approves an "acceptable" license, then
> this might be harder.

Such a license is neither free nor open source, and as such it is outside
the SPDX remit.  Some CC licenses aren't either, but they are included
because they are commonly used for documentation.

Then there is the (quite) unusual matter of the gemini
> syntax - how to accommodate the "SPDX-License-Identifier"
> token in gemini files.

That's why I think it is a good idea to make the copyright notice a link
line, like this:

=> Copyright 2020 by John Cowan
under CC0-1.0

John Cowan        cowan at
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