Licensing content for your capsule

On Mon, Nov 02, 2020 at 10:34:42AM -0400, Drew DeVault wrote:
> I recommend creative commons. My capsule is CC-BY-SA, which allows my
> content to be shared freely so long as it's attributed to me, and
> adapted or revised so long as the new work is also shared with CC-BY-SA.

Echoing everything Drew said -- and also, if you do choose a license for
your capsule's content, I'd encourage specifying the version number for
the license if it has one.

For Creative Commons licenses like CC-BY-SA (or CC-BY or the others) they
are currently at version 4.0, so that would be CC-BY-SA-4.0, or CC-BY-4.0,
etc. if you're using the most current versions.



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