Dioscuri, another application layer protocol

On Mon, 28 Sep 2020, Jason McBrayer wrote:

> IMO, we should resist the temptation to make Gemini a general-purpose
> application platform, and the like temptation to build a general purpose
> application platform alongside it.

The ease and enjoyment of creating a reasonably good server or client for 
the Gemini protocol/format has led to perhaps more clients and servers 
than we need; a positive consequence has been to increase the amount of
caution with which spec changes are now approached.

I think however there is a negative consequence: attention is diverted 
from complementary aspects of the Gemini ecosystem, namely Gemini-native 
content itself, and the tooling connected with it, such as distribution, 
discovery and syndication tools. If there were a simple, fun standard/spec 
for some aspect of these tools, that might attract the same useful energy 
as the Gemini spec itself does.

(As indicated above, I am pretty sceptical about additional 
Gemini-adjacent protocols as such)



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