Announcing gmni, a line-mode gemini browser and curl-esque utility program

Glad you got it compiled (though it was Drew who pointed you there), the
whole SSL/TLS thing is a bit of a complicated mess on lots of levels. It's
a slog to grok (I'm not sure that's even achievable!).


On Sat, 26 Sep 2020 at 19:15, Terry Brennan <tcb913 at> wrote:

> Kevin, thanks. I downloaded the ssl package from, compiled
> and installed it, and the compile problems disappeared.
> Interesting that Slackware does not offer openssl or libressl.
> Terry Brennan
> On 09/24/2020 04:22 PM, Kevin Sangeelee wrote:
> Hi Terry,
> As has been alluded to elsewhere, you're not actually using OpenSSL, you
> have GnuTLS with an OpenSSL compatibility layer (that's not fully
> compatible, as you've seen).
> On Debian, I have packages 'openssl' and 'libssl-dev' installed, you may
> want to try installing these and then recompile gmni. I'm assuming OpenSSL
> can co-exist with GnuTLS, but I haven't tried.
> Kevin
> On Mon, 21 Sep 2020 at 21:42, Terry Brennan <tcb913 at> wrote:
>> No, definitely using openssl. Lots of library stuff, and header files.
>> BTW, error messages did not report missing header files.
>> My openssl lib is, if this helps.
>> tb
>> On 09/21/2020 03:28 PM, Drew DeVault wrote:
>> > That's quite bizzare. Are you perhaps using a system with LibreSSL
>> > instead of OpenSSL?
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