Genini requests with ncat

Aha I see what the problem was!

As it happened I had the port in the command but just neglected it in the 
message, my bad.

The fail was caused by putting the / on the end of the url being passed to 
ncat. With the / on the end of that the lookup fails it appears. Seeing 
your working command made it obvious.


On Tue, Sep 22, 2020 at 16:30, Julien Blanchard <julien at> wrote:

> On 22/09/2020 17:18, James Henderson wrote:
>> Hi there,
>> I am trying to make gemini requests with ncat and have hit a bit of a
>> stumbling block that I am not sure how to solve so was wondering if
>> anyone here knew what was going on.
>> If i make a request as such:
>> echo -e ?gemini://\r\n? | ncat ?ssl ?
>> >page.out
>> I get the expected index page from printed into a file.
>> However if i try the same with
>> echo -e ?gemini://\r\n? | ncat ?ssl
>> ? >page.out
>> I get a 31 redirect. If i try that redirect address which is the same
>> but with a / on the end of the url then the requests fails Where in
>> would expect the home page to be output to a file.
>> I feel like there is something obvious I am missing.
>> Anyone done this and know whats wrong?
> echo -e "gemini://\r\n" | ncat --ssl
> "" 1965 >page.out
> works here, just added the slash and the port.
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