I just encounted this issue with my Gemini server (running GLV-1.12556) and caused it to stop receiving requests. Diagnosing the issue, I found it was most likely caused by a request to an area requiring a client certificate, only the client certificate did NOT have a subject field. The Gemini protocol specification does NOT state what must be in a client certificate, and my server made the assumption that a client certificate will always have one (and did not check to see if it was missing). It will now return an error of '62' if the subject field is missing. So that brings me to my question---what *IS* the minimum we can expect to be in a client certificate? Is a client certificate without a subject field even legal? What about a missing issuer? -spc
Next in thread (2 of 7): 🗣️ colecmac (a) protonmail.com (colecmac (a) protonmail.com)